Anti Aging Skincare: Maintain Youthful Skin at Any Age

Your Skin Changes with Aging. Your Anti Aging Skincare Routine Should Too When it comes to skin, by now you’ve mastered the fundamentals. You’re well aware of your skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive) and know that different skin types require different approaches to care. You’ve developed an easy-to-follow, three-step routine of cleansing, moisturizing, […]
Preventing & Treating Bug Bites

Bugs Off! Ways to Prevent and Treat Those Pesky Insect Bites Consider the Odds To us humans, they’re all just bugs. And some of those bugs are intent on turning us into a meal. In most cases, the bites, blotches, jabs, pokes, punches, slashes, and stings inflicted by a vast array of pests are annoying […]
Summer Skincare Tips

13 Glorious Weeks of Summer, 13 Tips for Glowing Summer Skin Long shimmery days. Soft moonlit nights. Bright flowers, cheery birds, sporting events, reunions with friends. From languid days at the beach to outdoor celebrations and fun-filled vacations, to cozy evenings in the backyard—summer is everybody’s favorite playtime. Of course, you want your skin to […]
Common Skincare Myths vs. Reality

Common Sense Practices Dispel Common Skincare Myths When it comes to skincare, everybody from board-certified dermatologists to spas and clinics, to brand representatives, to retailers, to your best friend has something to say. Certainly, we all want to look fresh and glowing, and healthy, especially since skin appearance is one of our most noticeable features. […]
Taking Care of Dry Skin

The Why of Dry Skin and How to Deal with It Itchy. Flaky. Red. Rough. Raw. Stinging. Chapped. Cracked. Scratchy. Dry skin can be all of these and more. This very common condition is also uncomfortable, unflattering, and annoying, yet most of us experience it at various times in our lives. Dry skin can happen anywhere […]
Here’s How to Change The Appearence of Your Pores.

Pores get a bad rap. Staring at our reflections in the mirror, we worry that our pores are too big, too prominent, and too distracting. We think about how we can make them smaller and less obvious. We wonder why we have them at all. Here’s how to change the appearence of your pores. The fact […]
The Fictions and Facts of Skincare

Skincare Myths and Facts Whether staring at the mirror in the morning or spiffing up for an evening on the town, everyone wants to face the world with a fresh, healthy glow. But how do we achieve that? Sorting through the plethora of advice and opinion coming at us from every angle is a challenge, […]
CoolSculpting© part 2

What You Need to Know about Cryolipolysis – aka CoolSculpting® – to Decide If It’s Right for You You’ve reviewed the facts about CoolSculpting®. You understand that it’s a body contouring procedure that applies cold temperatures to specific areas of the body to freeze fat cells. You’re aware the targeted cooling process crystalizes and kills […]
CoolSculpting© Treatment Part 1

What You Need to Know about Cryolipolysis – aka CoolSculpting® – to Decide If It’s Right for You Likely you’ve heard about CoolSculpting treatment. Information is everywhere – promoted with TV ads and infomercials; discussed in magazines, newspapers, and brochures; described online through websites, YouTube demos, influencer postings, and self-evaluation quizzes. CoolSculpting© is actually a […]
Reducing Your Risk of Skin Cancer

With Dr. Emily Levin, Board Certified Dermatologist, & Florine Mark Did you know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States with a one in five chance of being diagnosed with it during your lifetime? When diagnosed early, basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas tend to be low-risk and […]